Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Use Vodka in Surprising Ways!

Money, like vodka, turns a person into an eccentric.
~Anton Chekhov

I want to say first that I am skeptical of many of the items on this list. I have not tried any of them. For the most part, I tend to use vodka the traditional way, on the rocks with some olives. I find it hard to believe that dousing a blouse with vodka will make it smell good enough to wear to work...

The list:
  • Odor remover
  • Keep cut flowers fresh (this one I may try sometime)
  • Bug repellant spray
  • Soothe stings of jellyfish
  • Add body to hair (this one I may also try, some weekend when I am not going anywhere)
  • Stain remover (again, worth a try)
  • Use with lavender as a fabric softener when ironing
  • Weed killer (may try - seems like a waste of vodka though)
  • Remove mold and mildew
  • Mouth wash (now there is an idea...)
  • Topical tincture
  • Ease poison ivy rash
  • Metal polish
  • Remove sticky tags and labels

Learn the details of Vodka, the miracle booze!

Note: I am not endorsing any of these suggestions. If I do try any, I will update this post with my findings.

Something else I learned: Low quality vodka is served chilled because colder vodka hides the true taste.

Monday, March 19, 2012

2,000+ US High Temperature Records Broken or Tied in March (So Far)

A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.
~Marcel Proust

More than 2,000 high temperature records have been tied or broken since March 1, and more are expected to be broken for the next couple of days. Temperatures are 20-30° above average in many areas. 44 records were broken and  67 tied previous records on a single day (March 15).

Forecasters are predicting the warmer temperatures are here to stay and that the time to break out the shorts and sunscreen is upon us.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Custom Blended Cologne for the Pope

An adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.
~Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict has ordered a custom-blended eau de cologne from perfume maker Silvana Casoli - just for him. The papal fragrance mixes hints of lime tree, verbena and grass though Casoli refused to release the full list of ingredients that had gone into the scent.  Made exclusively for the Vicar of Jesus Christ, Casoli says, "I would not ever repeat the same perfume for another customer."

The current Bishop of Rome has a reputation for appreciating some of the finer things in life.  Gucci sunglasses, Prada shoes, and of course that red hat. A spiffy dresser, to be sure.

The name of the perfume, if it has one, has not been made public. A few suggestions:
  • Heaven Scent
  • Confessions
  • Abstinence
  • Please add your suggestions in the comment section!
Note: I wonder what kind of commercial would sell the papal perfume?  Think about perfume commercials...

Something else I learned: There is an online forum devoted solely to papal fashion.