Saturday, October 29, 2011

No Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Children for Now

"Last month, federal advisers recommended pediatric anthrax vaccine testing, which sparked debate within the medical community; neither option--testing children now or waiting until a bioterror attack--is considered palatable."
U.S. considers anthrax vaccine trials--for kids

There is some convoluted reasoning going on in the referenced article.  And more than a bit of fear-mongering. In 2001 5 adults died and 17 people became ill when exposed to anthrax spores in the Senate. Since then, there have been no reported cases of anthrax related death or illness in the US.

The anthrax vaccine was licensed in 1970. It was not widely administered until the 1990-91 Persian Gulf War when 150k military personnel received the vaccine. In 1997 the vaccine was made mandatory for military personnel. The mandatory vaccination was suspended in 2003-06 when the efficacy and safety of the vaccine was questioned but the program was resumed in 2006.

The CDC recommends the Anthrax vaccine for:
  • Certain people 18 through 65 years of age who might be exposed to large amounts of B. anthracis bacteria on the job, including:
    • Certain laboratory or remediation workers
    • Some people handling animals or animal products
  • Some military personnel, as determined by the Department of Defense
I don't see children on that list. Common sense has prevailed (for the time being). The Public Health Service Board for Preparedness and Response voted 12-1 against proceeding with pediatric testing of the anthrax vaccine.

Note: I should think it would be obvious that if there is an ethical debate surrounding testing on children, the obvious answer would be "No." In other words, this should not even be a debate.

Something else I learned: Louis Pasteur created an anthrax vaccine for farm animals in 1881.

Friday, October 28, 2011

How Lucrative is Halloween?

Once in a young lifetime one should be allowed to have as much sweetness as one can possibly want and hold.
~Judith Olney

6 billion US dollars spent on Halloween. That is a LOT of cash! 161 million people will be participating this year, a record high since such things have been recorded. Some statistics regarding the $ that will be spent this year.

What the above referenced article does not mention is how much of the money spent on costumes is spent on costumes for pets. 15% of people will spend approximately $300 million dollars making Fido and Fluffy look frightening (which of course means cute) this year on Halloween. When "pet costumes" are mentioned, I would guess "dog costumes" is what is really meant, as I have never known a cat that went in for that sort of thing.

Dino Dog:

Note: Time writer Martha C. White speculates that a sluggish economy fuels our desire to play make-believe:
it appears that troubled times drive our zeal for escapism; romance-novel sales boomed during the last recession, just like extravagant musicals that were popular during the Depression. Add to that the fact that Halloween has undergone a shift from a sort of silly, kid- and candy-centric affair to a full-blown event for adults.

Something else I learned: There is a National Retail Trade Association, the National Retail Federation (NRF). Their stated mission is: To advance the interests of the retail industry through advocacy, communications and education.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mmmm Sushi nom nom nom?

a Japanese dish consisting of small cakes of cold cooked rice flavored with vinegar, typically garnished with strips of raw or cooked fish, cooked egg, vegetables, etc.

It turns out I like sushi. For years I've thought "raw fish, ewww gross!" I did try some once a few years ago, but it quite lived up to my expectation of "yuck." And I never thought I was missing a thing.

So, I got this coupon for a new sushi place that just opened very near the house. Walking distance. I  looked over the menu online and thought there were things on the menu I could eat - there were sandwiches and soups and salads as well. It was a great coupon, so we went over there for dinner this eve.

I was looking at the Sushi on the menu, and started thinking it didn't look so bad. Everything is cooked at this restaurant so nothing (ewww) raw. I decided I was going to try some. I picked a Spider Roll which is an "inside out" sushi roll - the rice is on the inside and the seaweed is on the outside. This was made with tem­pura soft shell crab, avocado, and cucumber. Add a bit of ginger and some ponzu (soy sauce with citrus flavor) and you have got a tasty meal!

Also sampled a Manhattan Roll - shrimp tempura, crab stick (fake crab meat), asparagus, avocado, spicey tuna, crispy flakes and masago (smelt eggs). Delicious too!

Note: The key to sushi, apparently, is to eat GOOD sushi.

Something else I learned: Sushi is (raw) fish mixed with, laid over or wrapped in or around special sushi rice. Sashimi is raw fish, thinly sliced. These are distinctly different menu items. Apparently there is a man in California fails to note this distinction and has filed a lawsuit.  Man Sues All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Joint Because He Didn't Want To Eat Rice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Has Kublai Khan's Ship Come In?

But which is the stone that supports the bridge?
~Kublai Khan 

Kublai Kahn, Mongolian leader in the 13th century was the grandson of Genghis Khan - the more famous leader of the Mongol Hoards. Kublai was apparently a bit more civilized than his grandpapa, giving up the nomadic lifestyle of his ancestors and adopting Chinese ways, formally establishing the Yuan Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty was a progressive period for China. An economy based mainly on agriculture the production techniques used at this time were superior to any seen in previous dynasties. Early in the Yuan Dynasty a 51-mile long canal was built in the capital Dadu (currently Beijing) making transportation of goods easier. Economic development during the Yuan Dynasty, included the encouragement of foreign trade, and the circulation of paper money which added to prosperity. In the areas of science, mathematics, and medicine the Yuan dynasty saw much growth. The arts also flourished with literature, poetry, and song.

Kublai Khan and Henry VIII - separated at birth?

Kublai Khan tried to conquer Japan in 1274 and 1281 and was deterred from victory, both times. According to Japanese legend the invasion was stopped by the Divine (or Kamikaze) Wind of two typhoons. The Mongol fleet was decimated both times.

Archeologists believe shipwreck found off Japan belongs to Kublai Khan’s 13th-century lost fleet.
"Explorers found the 20-meter-long shipwreck by using ultra-sound equipment some 25 meters off the coast of Nagasaki.  Archeologists believe the ship dates back to 1281, and was part of a 4,400-vessel fleet that China's Mongol rulers during the Yuan Dynasty had employed as an invasion force."

Note: The Yuan Dynasty is a really interesting time in history. I am going to make it a point to learn more about it.

Something else I learned: Kublai Khan was not a very talkative guy. The quote above and this one "Why do you speak to me of the stones? It is only the arch that matters to me" seem to be the only things he every said. (Search for Kublai Khan quotes. You'll see.)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

No More Paper Dollars?

The use of money is all the advantage there is in having it.
~Benjamin Franklin

Using coins for one dollars instead of paper money would reportedly save many dollars (billions if we are to believe the estimates). The money would be saved because the lifetime of a paper dollar is approximately 42 months while coins can last forever. You can still find ancient Roman coins (all over the internet!)

The super-committee charged with slashing the budget is apparently championing this move with much support from US mining interests. Not everyone is crazy about the idea - Crane & Co. supplies the paper that dollar bills are printed on and they would prefer we carry on with paper cash. The money delivery trucks also are not on board, due mainly to the weight of coins.

This possible change is being referred to as controversial. It seems that most of the controversy is based on the premise that Americans just don't like dollar coins. There is data to back this up - billions of dollar coins stored at the US mint because no one wanted to use them. I haven't seen a Susan B. Anthony dollar for a long time (or if I did, I thought it was a quarter!).

Of course if the coins in storage were reintroduced to circulation and the treasury ceased printing paper dollars, there would be no choice but to use them. The plan is being referred to as Currency Optimization, Innovation and National Savings or... yep COINS. 

Note: I wonder who will be on the new dollar coin? Will we stick with George Washington? I think we should. That way it will at least be reminiscent of the dollars we've always known and loved.

Something else I learned: Paper money with errors can be quite valuable.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Linda Perry has a New Album!

I bet you know this song (most people do):

What most people do not know is that it is by a group called 4 Non-Blondes, of which the lead singer is Linda Perry. She is a wonderfully talented singer/songwriter that remains relatively unknown. I don't understand that - I love almost every song she has ever done.

So today I learned she has a new album (in March, so not so new, really), with a new band called Deep Dark Robot.I wil be picking up a copy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tough Out There for a Snake Charmer

Ninety-five percent of snake charmers get bit.
~Chris Hillman

India has banned keeping snakes as pets as part of enforcement of strict wildlife laws and strident initiatives taken by animal-rights activists. Snake charmers rouse cobras with flute-like instruments. The snake seems to dance in rhythm with the music. Snakes are actually unable to hear the music played by the charmer. What seems to be a dance to music is really the snake reacting to the continual motion of the flute.

Snake charmers have declined in popularity because of the wildlife protection initiatives, because nature programs on TV have removed mystery and fear from the snake concept, and because audiences are increasingly interested in other forms of entertainment.

Note: I still think snake charming is cool although I would be afraid to do it,

Something else I learned: Snake charming is for boys.