Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tough Out There for a Snake Charmer

Ninety-five percent of snake charmers get bit.
~Chris Hillman

India has banned keeping snakes as pets as part of enforcement of strict wildlife laws and strident initiatives taken by animal-rights activists. Snake charmers rouse cobras with flute-like instruments. The snake seems to dance in rhythm with the music. Snakes are actually unable to hear the music played by the charmer. What seems to be a dance to music is really the snake reacting to the continual motion of the flute.

Snake charmers have declined in popularity because of the wildlife protection initiatives, because nature programs on TV have removed mystery and fear from the snake concept, and because audiences are increasingly interested in other forms of entertainment.

Note: I still think snake charming is cool although I would be afraid to do it,

Something else I learned: Snake charming is for boys.

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