Saturday, October 22, 2011

Handguns (How to Shoot a 9mm Smith & Wesson or Glock)

Johnny Tyler: Is something on your mind?
Wyatt Earp: Just want to let you know you're sittin' in my chair.
Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact?
Wyatt Earp: Yeah, it's a fact.
Johnny Tyler: Well, for a man who don't go heeled you run your mouth kind of reckless, don't you?
Wyatt Earp: No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.
Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact?
Wyatt Earp: Mm-hmm. That's a fact.
Johnny Tyler: Well, I'm real scared.
Wyatt Earp: Damn right, you're scared. I can see that in your eyes.
[Wyatt walks up to Johnny as Johnny reaches for his gun.]
Johnny Tyler: All right now.
Wyatt Earp: Go ahead. Go ahead, skin it. Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.
Johnny Tyler: Listen, mister, I-I'm gettin' awful tired of your--
[Wyatt slaps Johnny hard in the face.]
Wyatt Earp: I'm gettin' awful tired of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work.
[Johnny doesn't do anything and Wyatt slaps him in the face again.]
Wyatt Earp: I said throw down, boy. You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?
~from the movie Tombstone

Today I learned how to shoot a handgun. 2 actually - a Smith & Wesson and a Glock (both 9mm). Both are relatively small and light and seem very basic as far as how to use them.

First, load the clip (a clip holds 17 bullets). This was kind of difficult, especially the Smith& Wesson clip. A word to the wise - if your life ever depends on me reloading a clip for a handgun: sorry! We did use a clip loading tool, but I had trouble with that too.

Next, the clip goes in the gun. This was not hugely challenging.

Then, you pull back the slide on the top of the gun and it closes up and loads the bullet in to the chamber. You are now ready to start shooting!

Hold the gun just so (with 2 hands), take aim, and pull the trigger! You can shoot continuously until the clip is empty.

My son Ryan is far better at this than I am. His target (shot from 20 feet):
Wow! This was his first time shooting a handgun too! 2 bullseyes and almost every shot in the black. I will not post a picture of my target. Too embarrassing!

Note: I am not particularly into guns. Often people interpret that as being anti-gun. That is not the case. I just don't find them that fascinating. We did enjoy the afternoon shooting at stuff though.

Silly: Even though I KNEW guns were being shot, the first 1/2 dozen times or so someone fired I jumped! LAME!

Something else I learned: GPS does not always have the correct directions.

Funny (I should have gone snake-eyed!):