Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Cat is Older Than I Am!

"A cat is more intelligent than people believe, and can be taught any crime."
~Mark Twain 

Pet ages are not as simple as a 1 human year = 7 cat years. It's more like 1 human year = 4 cat years after a huge jump start early on.

Cat year    Human years
1                15
2                24
3                28
4                32
5                36
6                40
7                44
8                48
9                52
10              56
11              60
12              64
13              68
14              72
15              76
16              80
17              84
18              88
19              92
20              96

Always a great story: The Cat that Walked by Himself

Something else I learned about cats today: Cats can be right-pawed or left-pawed.

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