Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kepler-22b, An Earth-like Planet 600 Light Years From Home

I don't believe that there are aliens. I believe there are really different people.
~Orson Scott Card

Although discoverd by NASA's Kepler telescope over 2 years ago, new research suggests that Kepler 22b is the planet most similar to earth yet found. The planet has average temperatures of 72°, and has the correct atmospheric conditions to support life. It is in a "habitable" position in relation to a star very similar to the sun. Scientists believe not only is the planet habitable, it may well be inhabited.


Note: I find stories like this very cool!

Something else I learned: The Kepler telescope watches 155,000 stars that exist in the so-called habitable zone of stars that resemble our sun. The telescope watches for small drops in the brightness of the stars which would be caused by the rotation of planets around the star.

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