Monday, December 12, 2011

Most Popular 2011 Facebook Status Trends

More than 800 million people worldwide use Facebook, its founder Mark Zuckerburg announced in September, and nearly half of all Americans have accounts.
~the News

A collection of Facebook stats of 2011. Status trends, music, movies, and t.v.

Most of it is expectedly smh - thought the top 2 acronyms were completely new to me, tbh. The top shared stories also held a few surprises. Titanic is still one of the most discussed movies? What?

Here is the link to the newly released 2011 Facebook statistics:
Facebook Reveals 2011′s Most-Popular Status Trends

Something else I learned (which I am sorry to say I cannot unlearn):  Beyonce’s Baby Bump Inspired More Tweets Per Second Than Steve Jobs’ Passing

1 comment:

  1. That graph is the prettiest one I've ever seen!
