~Jules Henri Poincaré
Take the Christian Science Monitor Scientific Literacy Quiz.
It is very challenging! I learned how much I remember (and how much I've forgotten) from various science classes I've had over the years. I got 28/50 - disappointing. I had to really search my brain to answer some of them. Funny - I missed the same types of questions I always have. I should brush up on physics equations and energy measurements - but that has been true since high school.
Note: I have never forgotten what element is represented by K on the periodic chart. It has remained an easily accessible fact since the day I learned it.
Something else I learned: The letter c is used to represent the speed of light in a vacuum. I am sure I never learned that. I am also fairly confidant that I won't remember it.
Guess I won't even try this one. My question was: "You can vacuum light?" Been too long since science questions were in my days.