Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Threading a New Sewing Machine

So much fabric, so little time! Or, sew much fabric!

As ye sew, so shall ye rip.

It may seem that threading one sewing machine is much like threading another. While true in principle, the reality is a bit different. Especially if you consider I've not sat at a sewing machine for 10 years, and the last time I did I was using an antique Singer machine. When I say antique I mean built in 1928. My olde Singer was a very basic machine.

I got a new machine over the weekend. It is also a Singer, so there is at least that similarity. I picked up the antique machine a few years back and it is what I learned to sew on. It was the only machine I've ever used, until now.

You can imagine my consternation:

After a few trials and errors, I managed to get it threaded and working! I only had to rethread it twice, and troubleshoot the tension a few times.  If there is one thing I love on my new machine that was absent from my old one - it is the automatic needle threader! What a genius invention!

Note: I became a professional and a prize winning seamstress using my old Singer.

A story on the side: I purchased my new sewing machine at one of the large discount retail stores (NOT Walmart). The cashier was an older gentleman - late 60s, probably. He was amazed and delighted by the sewing machine. "A sewing machine!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know anyone still sewed! Oh! And It's a Singer!" It made me smile.

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