~Mark Twain
Today I discovered that Wild Berry Fruit Jolly Ranchers are awesome!
I have always been a fan of Jolly Ranchers and never realized they had new and different flavors. From the original flavors the cherry and blue raspberry are my favorites. The grape and watermelon are okay. I don't eat the apple at all. I always set those to the side, and if my boys don't eat them, I collect them in a sandwich bag and put them on the communal counter top at work. They do get eaten.
Wild Berry Fruit: wild strawberry, blue raspberry, mountain berry, strawberry-watermelon, and raspberry-lemonade (tastes like limoncello). I like every single flavor, and haven't picked a favorite yet.
Also new (to me): Passion Mix. A friend had some of those and I tried the peach (very tasty!) and the fruit punch (okay). I may try a bag of those.

Note: the main ingredient is corn syrup :-(.
Something I found while researching new Jolly Rancher flavors (well, besides the sampling research): Jolly Ranchers originated in Colorado in 1949. They are now owned by Hershey.
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