Thursday, October 13, 2011

Emo to be Banned in Russia!

"Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can't always see The pain someone feels"
emo quote

Emo is, apparently, a state of mind. And a music style. Difficult to define, but it involves teens and angst. Emo is short for emotional. The urban dictionary has this to say about emo. There is plenty of information available online so one can draw ones own conclusions. As they have in Russia, although they have reached a completely wrong one.

I think the Russian government is overreacting a little bit. Outlawing angsty, emotional teens that listen to depressing music and dress kind of strange? Good luck!

Note: Some things never change.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't all teens angsty, emotional and listen to depressing music to some degree? Lol. No teens in Russia then!
