Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Labels for Education

"In this world of plenty every human being has a right to food, clothes, decent shelter, and the rudiments of education."
~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I have been clipping Box Tops for Education for years and it seems that every time I bring groceries home, there are even more products sporting the very distinctive image.
I don't know if there actually are more, but it does seem like it.

This week we had a different brand of cereal than I usually buy and I scanned the empty box before throwing it away just in case there was box top proof. Instead, I saw something that said "Labels for Eduction." I looked more closely - because the proof is not nearly as distinctive as the box tops. I clipped it just in case but found out that my sons school is not part of the program.

You can learn more about Labels for Education here.

Note: I have a plastic bag full of Box Tops proofs in a chip clip hanging on the side of the fridge. This makes it easy and (fairly) convenient to collect them. When the clip starts sliding down, I know it is time to send them in to school.

Something else I learned: There are some pretty good coupons available at the Box Tops web site.

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