Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony Shared a Meal with the Wampanoag Indians in 1621

Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
~Native American Saying

There is so much contradictory information about what did and did not happen on Thanksgiving, and why we celebrate the way we do that it becomes nearly impossible to separate fact from fiction. There is documentary evidence that Chief Massosoit of the Wampanoag tribe and 90 of his men got together with Governor Edward Winslow and ate for four days. Probably not turkey, and probably not at tables laden with food.

But therein lies the basis of the holiday we celebrate today.

Note: Giving thanks for that which we are grateful is, in my opinion, a good thing to set a day aside for. That we eat some good food and share time with people we love makes it even better.

Something else I learned: 46 million turkeys will be consumed on Thanksgiving.

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