Monday, November 14, 2011

Buffalo: It's What's for Dinner

Buffalo Meat is Extremely Healthy!
Buffalo meat is naturally flavorful and healthy, in fact if you didn't know, you would think you were eating the most flavorful Beef steak or burger you have ever had.
~The people who sell buffalo meat

At the store the other day picking up my thanksgiving turkey, I window shopped the meat department while the butcher found me the biggest turkey in the store. I saw some really brown hamburger and thought, "Eww gross! How can they sell that?" A closer inspection revealed that it was actually bison meat. I asked the butcher about it and she explained that bison is much leaner than hamburger, tastes similar, but is not really the same flavor.

I haven't eaten beef for years, but that doesn't mean I don't crave a burger from time to time. So I picked up an (almost) pound of the gound bison meat - Expen$ive! - to give it a try. I prepared it in the style of a really fancy hamburger - mixed with egg yolk, steak sauce, a pat of butter in the center.

Served up on a toasted bun, with lots of mayo, onions, and tomato, it looked much like the burgers I used to eat. "Do you want a little burger with your tomato?" It was with mouth watering anticipation that I took the first bite... hm. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't overwhelmingly delicious either. I am not running out to buy more anytime soon.

Note: Buffalo meat is so healthy and nutritious I wish I did love it. B vitamins, potassium, Iron, and selenium, low fat and sodium!

Something else I learned: Buffalo burgers, as well as elk and wild boar burgers are on the menu at Fuddruckers.


  1. Did you save some for pizza? I remember trying a buffalo burger many years ago...and thought it was a lot like hamburg. Your burger sounds delicious! How did the boys like it?

  2. How much is a pound? I tried some Bison at Cabelas years ago and I thought it was quite good.

  3. @karen rose - the boys thought it was okay.

    @Joe $8 for .89 lb.

  4. Hey Beth - next time you go to the Prickly Pear, try the Buffale Enchiladas. They are always on special there. :)
