Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Newest Sports Bar Spectator Sport: Video Game Competition

I thought I'd come here for a quiet beer after a crazy day at work
~17-year veteran of the bar

Geeks Beat Jocks as Bar Fight Breaks Out Over Control of the TV. Clever title, and true, even if a little misleading. 

It may seem weird that gamers would gather in groups at bars to watch video game tournaments, but there is precedent. I may be revealing a bit of my age here but I first learned of video games at bars. Asteroids, Pacman- those were the machines replacing pinball. I never really cared for pinball, but I did enjoy spinning that tiny little arrow shaped space ship in circles and shooting at the little asteroids.  The Ms. Pacman table game was probably my favorite. I wasn't bad at it either!

I digress...

Video game competitions are no less intense to gamers than football rivalries or World Cup competitions. Gamers, like any other fans, enjoy watching the competitions. There is an additional layer of entertainment when viewing with a group of like-minded fans - some cheering for one skilled player, some cheering for the other. 

Note: High tier video game competitions have large payoffs - 50K in the Starcraft competition referenced in the above posted article.

Something else I learned: The video game competition nights at bars are called "Barcraft."

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