Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's HTML5, Not Flash for Mobile Apps

Any Flash developers who still think that their work is in any way acceptable to the wider open web community are sadly mistaken.

Most people probably didn't know, and really don't care but the HTML5 v Flash competition for mobile app dominance has been every bit as intense as Beta v VHS or Bluray v HD. With this weeks announcement by Adobe that it will discontinue development on mobile browser Flash, and refocuses efforts on HTML5 indicates the winner.

Why is HTML5 better than Flash?
Just a couple of weeks ago I began learning to write mobile apps in Flash. I am glad I did not invest too much time! But I know now that I can proceed with learning using HTML5 because once these battles are resolved there is no going back. (Remember laser disks? I didn't think so.)

Note: Tomorrow's post is sure to be "The new thing I learned today is HTML5."

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would still update the flash player so flash would work on websites that are currently using it. I understand if they don't want to use it in app development anymore, but it would make sense if they would continue to update the flash player.
