Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Яндекс (Yandex) - The Most Popular Russian Search Engine

The world became more enticing
wider – then they were in motion.
~Aleksándr Blok, Russian Poet

The vast majority of visitors to this blog are, by far, from the United States. That is no surprise, it is an English language blog written by an American blogger.  The thing that is a surprise (to me, anyway) is that the next largest group of visitors I have, according to my blog stats, come from Russia.

приветствую моих гостей из России!

Shortly after launching this blog, I noticed there was traffic from Russia, and I vaguely wondered how they were getting here. A little digging reveals that the traffic is sent from Yandex ( Яндекс) a Russian Search Engine.

Launched in 1997, Yandex is the biggest search engine in Russia. They have 64% of search traffic in Russia compared to Google's 22%.  Yandex earns high praise for it's ability to create algorithms that work with the complexities of the Russian language.

Note: the name Yandex is derived from the phrase "yet another indexer."

Something else I learned: Yandex had an extremely successful IPO on the NASDAQ in May 2011.

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